Saturday, July 5, 2008

Whoever I'll see...

Dear people I'll probably see in America,
I just want to make it clear about something. When I'm in America, (if God will have it that way), please when or if we're talking about me being in America, do not say ANYTHING like "well, are you glad to be home?" or anything that means that America is my home. I've talked to two people who have said, " Atleast you're going back home to America.". It hurts so immensly, like a sting goes through my whole body. Czech Republic is my home, and I really hate it when people say that Im going back home to America. So please try to avoid saying anything like that for when I'm in America, if you will see me, because that really hurts me.
Thank you for understanding,
Love, Peace and Blessings,
That Missionary Kid

P.S. Update- I've just had my first week of Summer vacation, I finished school last week and had to say goodbye to my classmates who have gone with me to school ever since first grade, I went to see Prince Caspian and really liked it, We're watching Bode for the weekend and I'm saying goodbye to my great friend on Monday, who is coming back from America only three days before we leave. This is a picture of me in 2nd grade in our missionary house where we'll be staying for the next few months most likely.

PP.SS. Prayer requests:
A. It will be God's will for us to not move to America, or he'll tell us to come back SOOOOON.
B. That my DAD will find a good job soon.
C. That my family and friends will feel peace.
D. That my aunt and uncle, who are getting a divorce don't get one.
E. That my relationship with God would grow really really deep.
F. That my classmates come to know Christ.
And if you don't want to pray for all of those, maybe just for pick on or two a day or a week, that would be really awesome. Thank you tons!

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